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Zen Blog

  Imagine: you've swaddled your baby, they seem to be going to sleep, you slip out to get some rest, and peek in five minutes later only to find that your little one has wriggled out of the swaddle blanket!...

Infant developmental milestones and sleep are so interconnected, rarely does one happen without impacting the other. And the ability to roll over by themselves is a big leap for your growing baby! So, we’re sharing when this milestone tends to happen and its impact it can have on your little one’s sleep.

You know that what you dress baby in for sleep isn’t something to take lightly. It can be the difference between maintaining a good newborn sleep schedule and keeping your sanity as a parent and constantly dealing with a fussing,...

As the warm weather rolls around you want to keep your child comfy and cozy without overheating - which is why bamboo is such a great sleepwear fabric.  It’s super light and breathable. Not to mention how soft it is...

You know that what you dress baby in for sleep plays a pivotal role in their comfort and safety. The best baby pajamas for sleep can also help you maintain a consistent newborn sleep schedule, thereby getting yourself a good...

There’s nothing quite like those early days when you can always rely on your trusty swaddle to calm a fussy baby or keep your child sleeping through the night. But all good things come to an end.  While the thought...

Does this sound familiar? You've made it through the tiring and demanding newborn months, and just when you feel like your body is getting used to regular sleep again - your bundle of joy becomes a toddler.  Late-night Google searches...

Dream feeding baby might just be the solution to helping your child sleep through the night! The concept is interesting - you rouse your baby just enough to get them to take a feeding while they’re still asleep. It can...

  When the cold weather sets in, you may start to worry that your little one isn't warm enough. When babies get cold during the night, they can wake up due to the discomfort - and then it can be...