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Zen Blog

If you want to start your new life with your newborn baby on a peaceful, well-rested note, swaddling is a great choice! Why swaddle baby, you ask? For hundreds, if not thousands of years, swaddling has been an effective way...

Falling back to sleep after an unexpected wake-up can be challenging even for adults, so how do babies self soothe?

Whether your baby started sleeping in a bassinet, in your bed or in a swing, at some point all babies make the crib transition. This transition can be tricky: babies are creatures of habit and disruptions to their routine can...

Most parents know that frequent feedings and sleepless nights are part of the drill with a newborn – but they shouldn’t last forever. As babies get older, they’re internal clock develops, along with a more set baby sleep schedule –...

What is a Sleep Sack for Babies?

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Every parent yearns for the comfort of knowing their baby is snuggled up, sleeping soundly, and above all, safe.  But with a plethora of baby products, advice, and old-wives' tales, it can be daunting to decide what's genuinely best for...

Every decision feels monumental as a new parent, especially when it comes to your newborn’s sleep habits. The hush of a dimmed room, the gentle lullabies, and the soft fabrics brushing against the baby's skin all set the stage for...

How Long Do You Swaddle a Baby?

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Parenting is a journey punctuated by moments of joy, uncertainty, and countless questions. One of the earliest and most persistent puzzles is the art of swaddling.  That snug wrap reminiscent of the cozy confines of the womb can seem like...

When Should a Baby Sleep in Their Own Room?

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Navigating the milestones of your baby's first year is a journey filled with wonder, excitement, and a sprinkle of anxiety. Among the many decisions you'll face as a parent, determining when your precious one should transition to sleeping in their...

  You've just come to the end of another long, fulfilling day of parenthood with your little one - but for them, it's time to start making some noise! It can be frustrating if your baby cries when put down,...